The United States Army Corps of Engineers needed to construct new features to protect the bridge from high speed motor vehicle impact. Completing the project as a joint venture, the team was selected as a Sole Source Procurement due to Conti Federal’s outstanding performance on the previous Homeland Security Projects at the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Williamsburg Bridges.
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Serving nearly 207,000 people per day, more than half of which are daily commuters, the Williamsburg Bridge stands as a critical link between Manhattan and Brooklyn. USACE named this major traffic artery a National Historic Engineering Landmark in 2009. To improve the security of such an important fixture in New York, USACE contracted Conti Federal, together with Tikigaq Construction, to construct new features to improve security.
Conti Federal and small-business partner Tikigaq created a Joint Venture to install hazard mitigation measures at three intermediate towers on the Manhattan side of the Williamsburg Bridge. The work included installation of 187 steel stationary and retractable bollards, construction of protective fencing and landscaping at East River Park. The team coordinated with multiple stakeholders throughout the project, most notably New York Department of Transportation, USACE New York and the New York City (NYC) Parks Department.
Conti Federal/Tikigaq faced challenging site logistics at East River Park. The only way onto the site by vehicle is a service road not conducive to large trucks. The NYC Parks Department also mandated every tree in the park must remain protected, creating a second challenge for the project team’s deep and wide excavation operations. A successful Tree Protection Plan as well as newly designed methods for excavation were implemented and became critical to the overall success of this project.
Key features of the project included:
Rapid City, South Dakota
Fort Worth, Texas
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Worth, Texas
Middletown, IA
New York, NY
Washington, DC