Serving the United States Capitol since 1910, the Capitol Power plant supplies vital steam and cooled water to over 20 facilities in the Capitol complex. Conti Federal provided a robust design-build upgrade of the power plant security system.
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The power plant’s security is of utmost importance as it is critical infrastructure for the smooth functioning of the federal government. The Architect of the Capitol sought to upgrade the plant’s facility security improvements in and around the building.
Conti Federal provided physical perimeter security upgrades for the power plant using a design-build approach. The project included civil work for the installation of 94 bollards, two vehicular barriers and K-rated security fencing, along with various other construction efforts. Conti Federal deployed numerous value engineering methods. For example, when the initial scope called for the construction of concrete police shelters, the team determined that structural steel shelters would provide the same strength, meet security requirements, provide mobility and be easy to erect. This value engineering provided cost-savings to the client and resulted in a more robust security system.
Executing this project required secret security clearances as well as the agility and responsiveness to work safely and flexibly in operating facilities while meeting exacting requirements. Tight coordination was crucial to project success due to high security levels and the multiple agencies involved. Conti Federal used Project Talk, an online collaboration tool, to maintain a quick and transparent communication process.
Conti Federal modified work plans and designs so disruption of daily power plant activities was significantly reduced.
Key features of the project included:
Rapid City, South Dakota
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Worth, Texas
Middletown, IA
New York, NY
Washington, DC