The September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center highlighted the need for strengthened security at Senate Park due to its proximity to the nation’s leaders.
Project Expertise
Protecting Senate Park
Conti Federal designed, constructed and installed the advanced security system, implementing these park improvements on time and under budget. Before any construction began, Conti Federal’s team proposed modifications to the contract documents, enabling $65,000 of cost savings in the design-build proposal.
Conti Federal also approached construction aspects of the project with the sustainability of the environment in mind. The Architect of the Capital’s initial park rehabilitation proposal required the removal of 16 trees, but instead Conti Federal redesigned the bollard and sidewalk locations so fewer trees needed to be removed from the site.
The team helped the Architect of the Capitol with the park’s unexpected drainage issues not in the initial scope of the project when light rain revealed two areas along an adjacent street suffered from water ponding. The Conti Federal team solved the problem by removing, improving and replacing the poorly paved area.
Key features of the project include:
Rapid City, South Dakota
Fort Worth, Texas
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Worth, Texas
Middletown, IA
New York, NY
Washington, DC