
After successful completion of a similar set of Hardened Aircraft Shelters (HAS), Conti Federal delivered a second set of F-35 beddown hangars and supporting facilities for the Israeli Air Force. Work included hardened facilities, blast protection gates, an underground utility corridor, complex mechanical and electrical systems, and a site-specific building management system (BMS). In total, Conti Federal delivered 23 facilities totaling 139,800 square feet for the project, completing all structural concrete work and structures in 14 months from the Notice to Proceed (NTP).

Construction included more than 20,000 square feet of aircraft maintenance support spaces, including: hangars totaling 43,000 square feet constructed in accordance with UFC 4-211-01; auxiliary facilities totaling 23,900 square feet; a waste area; a 21,500 square foot two-story secure planning and operations squadron administrative building; a 21,500 square foot utility tunnel extending to each reinforced hangar; and a 29,900 square foot ammunition storage area. The project also include site development (sidewalks and water culverts), parking spaces, roads, and junctions.

Conti Federal constructed components in compliance with ICD 705 specifications and fitted out secure operations planning and administrative spaces within the squadron administrative building. These facilities are used by authorized personnel as fully functional secure spaces to store, discuss, and/or electronically process secure data.

The project was performed on an active military base adjacent to an active flight line and involved new construction on predominantly undisturbed land and tied into existing utilities with the project’s footprint nearby. The project’s magnitude and sequencing, coupled with contractually required First Article acceptance tests, compounded one another, and required close attention to maintain schedule. Conti Federal met and exceeded schedule management requirements by planning for the entire project, as well as tracking several “look ahead” horizons for each discipline, all while coordinating between and among the various disciplines.

The Highlights



The total project included 23 separate facilities, totaling 139,800 square feet.


Hardened Aircraft Shelters

Conti Federal constructed eight hardened aircraft shelters (HAS). 


Blast Gates

The project included 32 shelter blast gates and 16 blast doors for further blast protection. 



Conti Federal completed the project in 14 months from the Notice to Proceed (NTP).

In this image: Underground tunnels were constructed to house mechanical, fuel, compressed air, fire detection, and telecommunication systems.

In this image: The Conti Federal team proudly cuts the ribbon to mark the official completion of the project.

In this image: The Conti Federal team was honored with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Israeli Air Force, which they are proudly holding in front of the completed hangars.

"This project is a key element of the US-Israeli partnership to deliver a unique set of hardened hangars and operations facilities to house a squadron of F-35’s for the Israeli Air Force."

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District Commander Col. Patrick Dagon