Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina, home to the 4th Fighter Wing and 916th Air refueling wing, had multiple leaks in their fuel piping previously installed in the 1950’s. Conti Federal investigated and repaired multiple pipeline leaks.
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At Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Conti Federal performed investigation and repair of multiple pipeline leaks along a ten inch JP-8 hydrant distribution pipeline under its Air Force contract to support the DESC testing program. The fueling system that Conti Federal inspected, prompted repair of five above-ground storage tanks, as well as 11,000 linear feet of ten inch steel pipeline and 8,000 linear feet of eight inch steel pipeline. All tanks and piping were installed in 1958.
The team was tasked with determining the precise location, without excavation, of any leaks. However, due to the high groundwater and extensive contamination, numerous challenges were encountered and overcome while validating the leaks and repairing the pipeline. Multiple excavations were required in various locations to properly repair the leaking pipelines, along with building demolition.
Conti Federal worked alongside active airfield operations to test and replace multiple leaking pipelines on the Air Force Base.
Key features of the project included:
Conti Federal performed work around the clock during the evening and daytime hours in coordination with the base schedule to avoid impacting the aircraft activities. Despite the challenges associated with site contamination, Conti Federal completed this project ahead of schedule and with zero safety incidents.
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Paramus, New Jersey
Albany, GA
Albany, GA
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, NC