Home to the prestigious Israeli Air Force Flight Academy since 1966, graduating squadrons trained in operating aircrafts, fighter jets and helicopters, upgrades were needed for three different fuel stations. Conti Federal performed work concurrently at all three locations with no disruption to base operations.
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To continue training to the highest standards, the air force base needed to upgrade its existing fuel stations and construct a new fuel storage and pumping facility.
Conti Federal performed renovations, upgrades and new construction on Fuel Stations 32, 34 and 35. Work was completed on all three stations concurrently by staging construction to maximize job efficiency as well as expediting the schedule.
The fuel pump renovations include replacing the existing pumps, rebuilding the filtration facilities and replacing the current electrical equipment. Conti Federal upgraded the existing power supply and fuel control system at Fuel Station 32 as well constructed underground fuel storage tanks at Stations 34 and 35. The fuel stations now include underground piping systems, HVAC systems and underground fuel storage systems with fire and leak protection.
Conti Federal performed all work at multiple, separate locations with minimal disruption to base operations, by communicating with base officials on a regular basis to coordinate construction with base activities. Conti Federal performed 116,989 man-hours with no recordable incidents. Conti Federal performed the project near live runways and crossed an existing taxiway to access our work sites.
Key features of the project included:
Rapid City, South Dakota
Fort Worth, Texas
Cheyenne, WY
Sigonella, Italy
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Hurlburt Field Air Force Base, FL
Southern Israel
Fort Worth, Texas
Southern Israel
Southern Israel
Central Israel
Lakehurst, NJ
Trinidad and Tobago
Southern Israel
Southern Israel
Southern Israel
Southern Israel
Southern Israel
Jefferson Parish, LA
Atlantic City, NJ
Andersen Air Force Base, Guam
Southern Israel
Republic of Georgia