Washington DC’s first general federal office building, the Ford House was constructed in the heart of the nation’s capital in 1939 and in need of security updates. Conti Federal completed this design-build project while always maintaining access to the building at all times and minimizing inconvenience for the government staff.
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The Ford House accommodates United States House of Representatives committee staff, the Congressional Budget office and the Architect of the Capitol, among other agencies. As part of the facility upgrades, the Architect of the Capitol required the building’s perimeter security be strengthened as a safeguard from vehicular intrusion.
Conti Federal delivered this design-build contract to construct a perimeter security system around the entirety of the Ford House. The project team installed 189 K-12 rated bollards (the highest-rated security bollards on the market) in 685 linear feet around the building perimeter at the curb line. The team also installed two pop-up barriers, one for entry and one for exit, at the entrance to a child care center at the back of the building, and a police guard shack. Site logistics and the high-profile nature of the office building itself posed challenges for the Conti Federal team. Client specifications required we only utilize up to four parking spaces at a time in the building’s lot, which provided a much smaller work area than anticipated. Conti Federal mitigated these challenges by quick redesign and coordination with subcontractors and the client. Additionally, the team moved the sidewalk curb line to accommodate the bollard grade beam.
Conti Federal’s efforts resulted in the full installation of government supplied bollards and pop-up barriers for the Ford House Office Building, strengthening perimeter security. The project was delivered safely, on time and on budget.
Key features of the project included:
Rapid City, South Dakota
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Worth, Texas
Middletown, IA
New York, NY
Washington, DC