The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) called for security upgrades to bridges under its Rapid Response/Immediate Response Program. Conti's work helped upgrade the security of America's historical landmarks and New York City's critical infrastructure.
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Historic icons in New York City, the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg Bridges provide transportation across the East River for hundreds of thousands of commuters daily. Public safety on these significant passageways is of utmost importance.
Conti completed the security upgrades within the scope of work for each bridge to meet their unique designs. This included providing a uniform appearance and maintaining a Department of Defense K-12 security rating to make them safer for pedestrians and drivers alike.
Security upgrades included custom designed and fabricated fixed bollards, retractable electric bollards between the three bridges and stainless steel ornamental fencing, all of which serve as access control and hazard mitigation. The team worked diligently to maintain the sites’ aesthetics while making these upgrades structurally sound.
Conti executed the project in nine completely different work areas around the three bridges, each with its own unique and specific work hours, in very busy pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Additionally, some sites featured very tight work areas and traffic requiring Conti to work during evening hours.
Scheduling and time management were crucial in these conditions, so the Conti team carefully planned all operations to complete the project with minimal disruptions to pedestrians and drivers while meeting USACE requirements.
Key features of the project included:
Rapid City, South Dakota
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Worth, Texas
Middletown, IA
New York, NY
Washington, DC