The United States Army Corps of Engineers called for full remediation of this Superfund site due to mysterious odors, wastewater discharges and onsite fires. Conti Federal's attention to detail and economic concerns results in over $900,000 in cost savings for the client.
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Mysterious odors, wastewater discharges, and onsite fires and other problems had plagued the Chemical Insecticide Corporation site since the mid-1960s, so it came as no surprise in the early-2000s when the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection found significant contamination leading to its closure and prompting USACE to call for full remediation of the site.
The project involved excavating, sampling, load out and disposal of approximately 300,000 cubic yards of soil as well as backfill with clean borrow source material. Conti Federal also demolished and removed debris from an onsite two-story block building as well as designed, installed, operated and decommissioned a temporary water treatment facility.
Conti Federal saved USACE a significant amount of money on the project through a series of cost-saving decisions. Since the Chemical Insecticide Corporation Superfund site was in a heavily-traveled residential area, the team chose to use a single railway vendor instead of roadways to transport soil shipments. This avoided traffic problems for local residents and proved to be extremely efficient.
Conti Federal also revised the original Soil Analysis Plan to include more thorough analysis of the large quantities of stockpiled soil originally classified as hazardous waste. After implementation with client approval, this new plan saved USACE over $900,000.
Key features of the project included:
Suisun City, CA
Edison Township, NJ
Tobbyhanna, PA
Marlboro Township, NJ
High Falls, NY
Nellis Air Force Base, NV
Eielson Air Force Base, AK