The new combined helicopter and tactical response force (TRF) facility will house the new MH-139A Grey Wolf helicopter.
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Conti Federal has been entrusted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Omaha District to construct a new aircraft complex at the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Awarded in September 2022 as Conti Federal’s first mission-critical project in Wyoming, this project will support the construction of a new complex that includes Helicopter Squadron Operations, Tactical Response Force (TRF) Alert Crew Facility, Alert Aircraft Shelter, Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU), Aircraft Maintenance Shelter, Aircraft Simulator complex, including a Satellite Fire Station.
With an estimated completion date of April 2025, the associated site improvements will include new taxiways, runway, helipads, and airfield lighting.
Fort Worth, Texas
Sigonella, Italy
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Southern Israel
Trinidad and Tobago
Southern Israel
Fort Worth, Texas
Sigonella, Italy
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Southern Israel
Trinidad and Tobago
Southern Israel